1. I've never been a fan of YB Khairy Jamaludin. Tak pernah suka.
2. To me, one of the main reason BN didnt do well in PRU 12 is because of him, his influence on the then PM and his "budak2 tingkat 4". To me, he WAS the enemy and must be stopped at whatever means possible. He is like an arm infected with cancer and should be cut off pronto.
3. Tapi itu dulu.
4. KJ has since "cuci dosa" kepada Agama, Bangsa & Tanahair. To soldier on, supporting and campaining for BN while the whole nation is trying to kill you is commendable. To stay loyal to BN, tak merajuk, tak terus hilang, senyap and sunyi, and more importantly tak lompat parti (many of which would have) and without any cabinet position warrants me to have second thoughts about this young man from Rembau.
5. So to KJ, I wont apologise. Nope. But judging from what you've recently done, I support you all the way. Anak muda Malaysia perlukan seorang pemimpin macam anda, keep it up. One day, the whole Nation will come to their senses and support you and your fight for a better Malaysia.
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